“Thinking is to humans as swimming is to cats. We can do it, but we’d rather not.”

Nobel Price 2002 Danil Kahneman

5 famous cases studies

👍Do you know that changing the music changes what products people buy? 👍Do you know that the smell in casinos is targeting special players? 👍Do you know why luxury brands make you wait for a product? 👍Do you know that by changing 1 word, YOU can influence what others say or buy? 👍Do you know why 45% of the people who have Harley-Davidson TATTOOS don’t own a Harley?

Humans have 2 brains, or what we call in Behavior Economics: Homer Simpson vs Albert Einstein.

Now the bad news, Homer usually wins… The process of buying and being influenced is not complicated; it is complex, as humans are. · Why do you buy a specific car? · Why do you drink a specific beer? · Why do you buy a specific brand? It’s called In group- out group, same reason people join cults.


→ Why red pain pills are more effective → Why you love Ikea furniture → Why do cinemas smell like popcorn and Casinos like Lemons → Why toothpaste has red and blue lines → Why is it easy to sell insurance to people with the # 9 at the end of their age → Why TikTok, propaganda and manipulation are the same → Why 80% fat-free is better than 20% fat- IS THE SAME, well no


We have already talked about the Irrational Humans theory. We make 35,000 decisions a day, and 95% of them are???? Well, let’s say not always rational. This class will change this? NO, but it will explain those simple things you do every day that keep you up at night trying to understand… Why the F**K I did that??? Better, by understanding these cues, you can now use them at work, every day or start a new chapter in your life. We did the work, researchers wrote papers, tested theories so you can; NOW; use the information. Some studies run for years to become a theory, heuristic or a bias.

Let’s look at this study

Why do doctors give you 30 days of pills to be refilled once a month? Annoying, no? Well, it has its meaning. From 1993 to 2009, YES, for 16 years, the Center for Suicide Research in the UK found a 43% suicide reduction by selling paracetamol in 32 packs and refilling every 30 days. This study saved lives. Let’s see how I changed the # of new members in a gym chain about to close nationwide 9 years ago. By using heuristics on habit creation data, I looked at gym memberships. Here is how it works, how you form new routines, and how the time you chose to do it modified the outcome. 15% at the end of the month 33% at the start of the month 47% after a new term began So, I designed a campaign to give a free training session as a birthday gift to increase registrations. It looks simple, but it took months of data evaluation and research to develop this.

Nothing is free in life

Here is how it works in another aspect of life: If you are on the pill, you notice that you need to take it for 21 days, but you have 28 pills in the blister; WHY? The pill's effectiveness depends on the consistency of the non-stop and keeps the days. After failing to get women to keep the schedules and NOT expect pregnancy, the pharma industry came up with this idea. 21 pills you need 7 sugar pills to follow By eliminating the break in the habit, women avoid getting pregnant and keep the cycle as needed. Again, it looks simple, but it is not.

For 20 days, you will have access to a new bias every day. You WILL never see the world the same way after this class series - IRRATIONAL HUMANS.

Access a new way to see people, make decisions, and do business.
