This class is hybrid
10 weeks
Live class every week
“An investment with an 80% chance of success seems more attractive than one with a 20% chance of failure.
Curiously, people have difficulty recognising that they are the same.”

People make 35,000 decisions a day
95% of which are irrational.

We have 2 ways to make decisions
conscious and subconscious, or, as Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman explains, systems 1 and 2. System 1, is Homer Sympson, and system 2 is Eistein. 95% of HUMAN decisions are made with the subconscious or system 1, ergo are irrational.
In Banking and finances can have advantages if you know how to utilise those.
Course Curriculum
Introduction to Banking
(Included in full purchase)
Understanding Financial Products
(Included in full purchase)
Basic Financial Principles
(Included in full purchase)
Risk and Return
(Included in full purchase)
Regulatory Framework
(Included in full purchase)
Compliance and Ethics
(Included in full purchase)
Practical Skills for the Workplace
(Included in full purchase)
Basic Financial Analysis
(Included in full purchase)
Career Advancement Strategies
(Included in full purchase)
Setting Career Goals
(Included in full purchase)
If you are a manager and want to train your team
with your financial institution's information and data, contact us for a meeting. We don’t share information in emails. Also, if you want the complete curriculum of the class. [email protected]
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Enroll now and take the first step towards mastering banking and finances. Join a community of industry professionals and elevate your expertise in the field.